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Started on January 12, 2019

Teaching Experience 

Teaching English Lessons



This was my first time teaching a kid and improving their understanding of English. I was quite nervous and scared since I've never taught anyone before.  But since I got this opportunity, I have to make it worth it. It was quite tough for me because she doesn't incorporate with me but later on, we started to know each other more and manage to get through with her struggles. 


I and she never have known each other before which might be hard for me to teach her and so I decided to get some advice from my parents. Not only that, but I also got to meet her parents and so that was a perfect time for me to ask them what style do they want me to teach their child. It turned out that they wanted the child to pass her English exam. I haven't mentioned yet, she had failed plenty of English quizzes and also exams made her mom stressed out. Therefore, it is my job to do whatever to make her get that grade A. 


Despite all of the homework and projects that I had, I managed to sacrifice my Sunday for her.  My teaching time is from 2:00 pm-3:30 pm. 

I don't have to prepare anything for her because the only thing I needed was her textbook but if she forgets it, I will prepare some short activities for her. 

During my teaching class, I would divide the class into three major part such as Textbook learning, new vocabulary, and reading. The activities that I prepared for her, satisfied her a lot as I can see in on her face and that's what I think she likes about me. My kid is from a Thai school and normally they are afraid to ask questions because the teachers would be so mean to them. So, when I teach, I try to be friendly as possible and act as I am one of their friends which allows them to feel comfortable and have fun with something that she hates. 


1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I've never thought that I would have this opportunity to teach someone. Like, people may think I am such an activity girl because I am loud, I joined plenty of dance competition. But when it comes to teaching, that's a different thing. I feel like as I am teaching her, I am more mature and grown-up which I am happy for myself. Moreover, when it comes to kids, it is very hard for me to deal with them because I am such an awkward person and I am so scared that she would be bored. I would say that I was being able to get through that stage and improve our relationship. As I mentioned before, sometimes I do prepare some worksheets or activity to make the class doesn't full with boredom and that shows my commitment to doing it. 


I really enjoyed this CAS project because I was being able to succeed in my goal which made her pass her English exam and it turned out that she passed her English exam where she got the second highest in her class. I was so proud of myself and I was so proud of her. I thank this opportunity for letting me experience something that money couldn't buy.

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